50 Most Popular Christmas Toys

Enjoy a retrospective of the most popular Christmas toys of the last century and realize how technology has transformed the way children entertain themselves as well as the big shift on kids’ Christmas wishlists

Food Wastage in UK

British consumers leave tonnes of food on their plates every year. Food wastage has evolved to a critical issue for developed countries like UK and a paradox for countries where people are below the breadline and are starving to death. What can we do to change this?

Consequences of Low Credit Score Dec17

Consequences of Low Credit Score

Ignoring your credit score could bring you against unbearable costs. Have a look at the consequences that result from overlooking regular credit score review.

US Foreign Aid 2012

Does the US government offer substantial financial aid and support to the “weak” or just throw crumbs to whitewash its image and manipulate nations ? See a breakdown of the US foreign aid as of 2012 and how it stacks up against the total U.S. budget.

Diet Tips for Holidays

Holiday season is the toughest to be on diet trying to keep or improve our body shape even for the most devoted. However, nothing is impossible, as long as we show commitment. The following diet tips might prove particularly useful when we struggle against delicacies.

Christmas Decoration Safety

Christmas tree and surrounding decoration are integral elements of the Christmas spirit and holiday exhilaration. Read through the following precaution measures and safety tips that will help you make the necessary arrangements for unworried joy.

What Brings Holiday Happiness

Finally what makes people happy of the holiday season? Is that the tangible / material things or the intangible values of belonging, recognition, family ties and socializing ?

Olivia Pope Style Guide

Do you like Olivia Pope’s elegance ? Adorn a glamorous red carpet look ? Who best to lead the way than Olivia Pope. Get the best tips on how to give Olivia’s touch to your style.

Color Perception by Culture

Color has long be used to implicitly or explicitly transmit and communicate ideas or messages. But do we all receive the same signals regardless of our origin and beliefs ? This chart puts color on the map and presents color perception among various cultures and religions.

Drug Use and Conformity

Have you ever done something solely to try and fit in with friends? If so, you’ve participated in a behavior that was motivated conformity, or the willingness to adjust your actions so they more readily reflect certain perceived social norms. If drug usage is involved consequences might be detrimental. This presentation gets down to the causes and effects of conformity in illegal drug usage.

Eco Footprint 2013

Humans are consuming the resources of 1,5 Earths to satisfy their needs and support their lifestyle. Have a look at how we exhaust natural resources while generating thousands of tones of waste.

Cyber Monday 2013 Stats

Cyber Monday 2013 went down in history as the busiest online shopping day in interwebs so far. Let’s see how it all began, how consumers shopped online this year and what they expect from online retail.

Bulk Shopping Tips

This infographic sheds some light on the ins and outs of bulk shopping in an effort to draw some conclusions about the final benefit.

Biggest Australian Coal Mine

With 11 underground mines, the Kevin’s Corner massive complex located in Queensland of Australia will change the area now occupied by the Galilee Basin forever.

10 Greenest Campuses in US

Quite self-explanatory, on this graphic you will find 10 of the most revolutionary campuses across the US that have embraced green practices and technologies as for waste reduction, facilities, renewable energy etc.

Higher Education Moocs 101 Dec12

Higher Education Moocs 101

Are you familiar with the MOOCs? That is Massive Open Online Courses and the term mostly refers to higher education. Learn about the basics and the buzz that there’s been around lately.

Associate Degree Jobs

Are you wavering between 2 or 4 years of studies when you reckon with your wallet? No reason to worry. Holding an associate degree after 2 years studying, you can land a job with a decent or even above the average paycheck. Check which are the best and how they are paying off.

Worldwide Drone Usage Dec11

Worldwide Drone Usage

Watch out! A drone might come on you. Drone usage both for military and governmental purposes has surged over the last years. Americans, as expected, are the pioneers in unmanned military vehicles, but several countries are following and projections are that drone spending will double within the next decade.

Movies About Sports Betting

The sports betting and movies industries have been linked together for decades. From films like “Eight Men” out that premiered in 1983, to a modern day flicks like “Lay The Favorite” that debuted in 2012, sports betting movies help online sports bettors live their dreams vicariously through movies.

Most Profitable Companies 2012

Contrary to the unstable economic context, there are evident signs of companies from all around the world hoarding. Here you see 25 of the most profitable companies worldwide as of 2012 and following to that 6 American companies that “missed” the taxation path.