Online Video Drives Sales

Available both in static and motion version, this infographic pinpoints 6 key findings regarding the effectiveness of online video marketing to the narrow edge of the sales funnel.

Social Media and TV

Contrary to the great concern of some specialists that the advent of social media would suffocate the television industry, even more shows are successfully adapting to the online social trend and transforming viewing to an interactive experience that captures even more viewers. Here are some outstanding examples.

Puppy Care Tips in Fall Dec23

Puppy Care Tips in Fall

Fall season hides dangers and pitfalls for your little but also benefits that your puppy can enjoy. Though fall has passed for good, you will find several tips that go for winter too.

Cyber Crime Around the World Dec20

Cyber Crime Around the World

Learn about the basic types of internet crimes and relevant activities. Get an overall picture of cyber crime around the world and the costs involved.

Christmas Tree Bugs

If you belong to the real Christmas tree cohort, you might change your preference after reading this. At least for the next year, that you’ll be aware of the fact that your flashy adornments are accompanied by bugs.

Social Media Promotes Narcissism

Psy scientists point out that there is strong evidence of connection between social media use and narcissism depending mostly on the frequency we present ourselves on the social sphere and actually meaning the level of addiction.

Sales vs Marketing

Inspired by the popular tv series “Game of Thones” , people from Pardot shrewdly associate the relations between sales and marketing departments with the ones of opponent kingdoms of Starks and Lannisters. Hopefully there’s a light for peace thanks to marketing automation.

Citizens Rights vs Police

Are you sure you know your rights in case of an encounter with the police? This nifty infographic serves as a good guide for citizens who want to know how to defend theirselves against unreasonable searches and tricky or intimidating questions.

Santa Claus Origins

In 280 a.d. Saint Nicholas was considered the equivalent of Santa Claus, in 1600s Kris Kringle showed up and right after Father Christmas. See how Santa Claus tradition evolved through centuries and what was the role of Coca Cola company in the formation of the modern “Gift Giver”

Digital Generation UK

A survey of more than 1000 UK teens points to a future workforce generation that is ‘digital first’ in everything it does, and whose digital talents could bring significant economic value to the UK. See the findings.

Waning US Education

According to the figures presented here, literacy rates across the US are not of the most promising and the inefficiency of education system to adopt a more flexible approach to teaching methods is largely pointed out.

Critical Marketing Metrics

Measurability is the biggest magic in digital marketing. Here you find a collection of the most critical metrics that measure the performance and success of campaigns across various online channels like social media , Paid search, eMail, display advertising.

Persuasion Skills at Work

This all about how to market yourself to your future boss. Persuasion is power, but don’t worry if you feel you don’t have the skills to promote yourself as the perfect fit and land a job. The following tips are quite simple to follow even for the most diffident candidate.

Boost Creativity Dec18

Boost Creativity

You don’t have to be an artist to be creative. We were all born to be creative. This infographic tells us more.

Christmas Tree History

Did you know that the first Christmas tree was decorated back in 1600 ? Discover the history of the most characteristic symbol of the Christmas holidays mostly through the American tradition and etiquette.

Homes From Tales

Always dreamed of knowing more about the house of Bilbo Baggins or Sherlock Holmes ? Take a trip to 9 of the most iconic homes from popular classic tales.

Biggest Hoaxes in History Dec18

Biggest Hoaxes in History

Discover 10 of the biggest hoaxes in history that have successfully catch on the common sense either with semi-truth or even totally fake yet sophistic stories.

All About Mr Rogers

This infographic is a tribute to the life and work of Fred McFeely Rogers, widely known as Mr. Rogers from his 30 + years running TV show “Mr Rogers’ Neighborhood”. Have a look at his life-path and some of the most inspiring lessons.

Cart Abandonment Best Practices

With online holiday sales at an all-time high, shopping cart abandonment is becoming an issue. This infographic focuses on shopping cart abandonment facts and best practices for getting back the $1.79 trillion left in carts each year !

Home Remodeling Cost vs Value

How much value could a home remodeling project add up to a property in the US ? Here you see comparison tables for average cost and resale value on national and regional scale based on prices of 2013.