Online Video Drives Sales

Available both in static and motion version, this infographic pinpoints 6 key findings regarding the effectiveness of online video marketing to the narrow edge of the sales funnel.

Local SEO Youtube

Local SEO takes precedence especially for businesses or professionals that want to reach prospects and create inroads of customers from the local market to their physical POS. Among the various tricks or techniques going around, YouTube is a strong SEO tool that marketers should not overlook. Learn how to do it in 8 simple steps.

Mobile Video Future

Video sharing sites are sprouting everywhere and users are getting more and more engaged. In conjuction with the rapid growth and adoption of smart mobile devices, the only question left is about how big is gonna be the mobile video trend and further what will be the scale of sharing as part of the social media activity.

Youtube Chronicle Mar07

Youtube Chronicle

From 2005 when it was founded and launched till now YouTube has managed to evolve to a video sharing titan that has gained millions of regular users and billions of daily views. YouTube has overtaken even popular search engines such as Bing and Yahoo. See the highlights of its history.

Online Video Marketing Stats

Video is the universal language of the web and fairly the most engaging type of content. My Social Agency made this nice presentation to show the magnitude of online video production and sharing today and to highlight its marketing potential for tomorrow.

B2B Social Marketing

Social Media Marketing in B2B communication can produce remarkable results. Learn here the essentials and get your head around the true business potentials that strategical digital marketing fosters.

YouTube Video Revolution

James Wedmore gives us a holistic view on the latest YouTube statistics, documenting the rise in video content as a herald of its domination in the internet world. People love watching rather than reading.

Importance of Imagery Branding Sep05

Importance of Imagery Branding

How do you tell your brand’s story? Pompous written content or even poor visual content is long since outdated. This report outtalks about the importance of qualified photo and video content in brand communication when it’s distributed through the various social channels.

Videos for Sales

Animated content can boost your sales performance. See why qualified product video content can benefit your seo ranking efforts, page traffic and conversion rates. Even further your servcice costs.

Global Social Media Check Up 2012

5 hot trends that reflect the social-sphere’s heartbeat for the 1st semester 2012.