Santa Claus Origins

In 280 a.d. Saint Nicholas was considered the equivalent of Santa Claus, in 1600s Kris Kringle showed up and right after Father Christmas. See how Santa Claus tradition evolved through centuries and what was the role of Coca Cola company in the formation of the modern “Gift Giver”

Sneaky Fruit Drinks

We are drinking sugar!. This study alerts about the illusion of “Fruit” in soft drinks that happens in today beverage market transforming refreshments into sugar bombs!

Coca Cola vs Pepsi Facebook

With over 51 million fans on FB Coca Cola is the ultimate heavyweight. The question is if they can hold up against their rival Pepsi.

Brands social performance in olympics

A nifty infographic perfectly adapted to the olympic sports spirit that shows the preformance and records of popular brands’ social media marketing activity compared with the ones 4 years back.

Olympic Sponsors’ Advertising Race

The hard race of official Olympic sponsors to win the gold metal in viral content performance generating smashing social buzz. It’s a true race – enjoy till the finish.

Fast Food Facts

Really impressive facts about the fast food industry. Just some highlights of what you’ll watch are: Americans are champs in calorie intake, 248 000 die prematurely due to obesity, 75% of Mc Donalds sales are made up by customers with 10 time monthly frequency.

The Illusion Of Brand Choice Jun11

The Illusion Of Brand Choice

There’s always a Giant behind. After this you will realize that loving or choosing a brand goes even far than you think.