Generation Gap In Computer Security

The gap is everywhere! Digital media and social networks are vastly used by various age groups. Which one seems to be the most aware or less savvy as far the computer security and sensitive data protection?

S voice vs Siri

The digital voice assistants “packed” with Samsung Galaxy S and iPhone are struggling for performance excellence though they are both backed Wolfram Alpha Database. See the benchmarking comparisons ?nd which one hits the finish line.

Corporate Networks At Risk

A lack of process around corporate networks device management is exposing them to critical risk, high maintenance costs and performance degrading. See the current state of network maintenance and security concern from organizations.

Small Business Cyber Security

Small business owners consider their property like needle in haystack for the aspiring hacker. Unfortunately cyber security proves to be conversely proportional to the business volume.

Computer Hardware Chart

This is more a “photo- graphic” rather than an infographic. It’s about a chart gathering the hardware ïntelligence both for computer freaks that love tuning and for new bees who wondering what the hell is in this box.

Cloud Impact And Adoption 2012-2015

Predictions about the impact and adoption of cloud services for software vendors and enterprise IT.

The Rise Of Cloud Hosting

Time to take off and meet the fluffy digi clouds.

How Mobile Apps Are Invading Your Privacy

You are through with the social privacy settings but are you aware how the story goes wih mobile apps?

Don’t Hate On Windows 8

The release of the new Windows OS is anticipated on October but previews are praising so far. Will MS manage to revice the pc market?