Sony Games Evolution

This graph is about how the playstation evolved from being a large bulky console to a handheld mobile one.

Android vs iOS Social Activity

Quite obvious what you are gonna find here. A cross comparison between the two leading mobile OS “leagues” as far their efficiency to propel users’ social interaction.

Business Cloud Apps Guide

Veracode presents a nice vintage style study about the current state of cloud apps adoption as well as the critical points an IT manager should consider during the decision process of a buy.

Microsoft Office History

Find here the whole history of Microsoft office platform from its early days in 1990 till tomorrow with reference to the brand new Office 2013.

WordPress CMS Popularity

Report on Worpress web market penetration that documents its dominance as a powerful CMS platform against its rivals Joomla and Drupal.

Digital Storage Evolution

From Punch Cards to Cloud Storage. This is the history of storage media shrink, always driven by the conception “the smaller the better”. Looking back makes you feel awe about human achievements.

Why Learn Coding?

It’s the stuff that makes most of the technology we use daily to work. Most of us get intimidated just to hear one spell it. But code learning may be easier than you think and more profitable for sure.

Android Touches iOS

According to this review from Statista, Kindle Fire has helped Android OS to cover the gap with iOS in the US tablet market.

Type Your Voice

Tongue is quicker than the fingers. Even if you are a touch system specialist. Learn how much time you can save in a lifetime by using voice command technologies for your writing needs. Time is money!

Software upgrade trends

Here you will find the results of a survey conducted by Skype that examines users’ behavior in regards to regular software upgrades.

Businesses Moving To The Cloud

A quick and simple review about the reasons and benefits of switching to cloud services.

Church Management Software Trends

Religious revival through digital advancement. This is how churches can attract and engage new members by use of computer technology. Even “Gods” need some data management in our times!

Clash Of mobile platforms

This report illustrates the most popular mobile platforms’ market share as well as some history of legendary platforms’ life-cycle.

Big Data Storage

A new reality is on the foreground in regards to data management as data types and content are getting more complicated and increasing in volume. Read some interesting facts that will trigger your awareness for the future of your IT infrastracture.

IT Infirmity

Warning!!! it’s strictly IT. Chance of brain damage. What are the CIOs biggest aches and pains? Are you familiar with terms like ITtention Deficit, ITRition, ITindigestion, ITinsomnia? Go get it!

The Apps Explosion

It’s all about the mobile technology domination. By 2015 mobile app development projects will outnumber native PC projects. Apps’ enterprise integration is the next episode for mobile devices. See these impressive figures and start planning for tomorrow.

5 Myths About Open Source

Useful tips that clarify any confused thoughts over adopting open source software approach. Weigh up the pros and cons of every approach before scheming your IT infrastracture.

Speech And Voice Recognition Evolution

The technology of Automatic Speech Recognition has progressed greatly over the past few years. Routing its infancy back in 1936 with the Voder from AT&T till nowadays with the Siri from Apple, here you see the ASR evolution.

Cloud Business Data Control

ITs will love this. It’s all about data liberation rankings for SaaS aplliations. It’s critical to know how much control of your “flying” data you have.

Android And Jelly Be...

Jelly Bean is the code name for the expected Android upgrade in July 2012. Google likes go crazy but Karl took it to the edge by illustrating a comparison between facts of true jelly beans and the digital one.