Gender Finance Divide 2013 Jun14

Gender Finance Divide 2013

Some are better at making money, some at saving it, some at spending and few get on with all. Discover the who is who of money management.

Return On Employee Investment

Technology investments are cool. But what about the soul of your business? Integrated human resource strategy is the most imporant asset for results.

Investment in Gold

Is Gold commodity or currency? This is the final part of the Gold infographic sequel that examines its use as an investment tool. Discover the traditional and stable value of Gold

Angel Investor Fund

Got a flash-bang business idea but need the funds to make it real? Learn how you can attract angel investors to support your startup.

Hedge Funds Works

It’s time for some advanced finance and maths revision for the funding mavens. Learn about the history of the Hedge Funds Market, the Popular Strategies, investors’ profile and some special investment and risk management statistics.

Kickstarter Stats

What are the fundamentals for driving a successful project on one of the most popular funding platforms for creative projects?

How Interest Rates Work

Self explanatory. À handy guide on banking finance simplified for non economists.

Saving the US Economy Jun28

Saving the US Economy

Crowdfunding might be the last resort for US Economy and small businesses due to rigid limitations in bank funding. See an alternative proposal on helping new enterpreneurs to the direction of saving the SB’s ego.

Hard Times for Housing Investment

Contrary to the high levels of housing affordability, expert wealthy investors discourage young investors from real estate investment. Read the argumentation.