Business Card Psychology

Have a look at some basic principles in design and the psychology behind them that will help you design a business card that will successfully convey the character and personality of your company.

Red Carpet Highlights

Celebrities time! While Oscars and BAFTA are around the corner, let’s spend some time on highlights from the red carpet history by recalling styling details from actress appearances and outstanding facts from the awards history.

With The BAFTAs & Oscars coming up, Rare London have decided to look back through the decades to remember celebrated moments in the history of the red carpet, as well as looking as past trends and infamous dresses.

Good Carb And Bad Carbs About Your Diet

The carbohydrates are the main energy source for our bodies. What makes them good or bad really?

Career in UXD

Thrilled by designing products or services that people will love and use? Here you get an idea of what it takes to make a career in UXD (User Experience Design) and how much you’ll earn on average.

Beatles Career Highlights

Quick look over records, facts and statements from Beatles’ 10 year career as highlights of the band that largely contributed to music history.

Car Insurance UK Market

A major turnover happens in the UK car insurance market after EU court mandated exclusion of gender criteria when brokers are quoting for insurance products. Find out how the new rules will affect young drivers’ premiums.

Carbon Management Industry

A report from the London School of Business and Finance proving that carbon management and green business in general are a fertile ground both for investments and educational orientation. The world is changing only through unity. Let’s turn all green!

Credit Card Use UK

Tesco Bank reports on the way people use their credit cards in the UK and found some surprising results. This infographic is a great way to see how credit card use reflects who they are and what stage in their life’s they are going through.

Business Card Design Tips

Business Cards are the extension of our proessional entity and thus our business advocates. This report highlights the details we should consider in business card design to make it stand out from the stack.

Healthcare Spending vs Life Expectancy

Contrary to the common sense, life expectancy rates are not proportional to the spending for healthcare services in many countries. US proves to be the worst perfomer regarding this analogy while other countries with limited funds and less industrialized achieve more.

Abandoned Shopping Carts

A great study from comScore that delves into online shoppers’ sanctuary and unveils the reasons of abandoned carts. Discover some helpful tips on how to ease succesfull check-outs and encourage repeat sales.

Oceans Carbon Pollution

Oceans’ chemistry subjects to continuous change due to carbon pollution and scientists are alerting for mass extinction of sealife by 1/3 till 2100. Read the facts.

Petro Canada Oil Careers

With Canada being the second country in established oil reserves after Saudi Arabia , it’s more than plausible that the ground is fertile for chasing a career in the petroleum industry both for males and females.

Bond Cars Gadgets released this slicky and perfectly fitted to the Bond spirit illustration to give us the highlights of top line technology used in the history of famous agent’s cars.

Reproductive Health Care Retrench

284 000 Texas women are projected to lose reproductive health care in 2013 due to family planning budget revision. See the rest 25 states that enacted 69 anti-choice measures in 2011.

Cars Size Comparison

Contrary to the general notion of shrinking and compression in the tech world, it seems that automotive industry has chosen a different path in car models’ edition development. See the size change chronicle of popular car models.

Good Sex Helps Career

See why having a healthy sex life makes a connection to your professional life and may help you ease the pitfalls and stress in your career.

Who Pays Less For Car Insurance

Interesting comparisons and corralations between politics, social status, behaviour and insurance rate in an effort to examine whether your chance to pay less for car insurance is determined by the party you side with.

Smartphone in Healthcare

A look over the rapid rise of mobile health management tools that introduced the term mHealth in health industry and medical world.

The Connected Car

Technology has turned our vehicles to genius manufactures offering great driving exprerience and control as well as extensive interactive capabilites that were considered almost fictional some years ago. What is the future of our “robo-cars”?