Medical Negligence in US

Find some interesting data as far medical negligence that will spur you to better knowing and claiming your rights against faulty treatment from doctors or medical institutions.

The Future Wallet

Advancements in technology have changed the way we are trading. Even if it sounds premature for now, conventional wallets might be degraded of their use in the future. New payment methods have come for keeps and they are going to fire the spending sprut.

British Salary Distribution

Here is the story of how the british monthly salary blows. Mortgages, rent, bills, mobile communications? You may be surprised what you find. There are also some handy hints which could help you along in 2013!

American Teenage Spending

Overview of the teenage consumers’ spending as part of the overall spending in American economy. It is estimated that teens total at 25.6 Million generating a whopping $208.7 Billion expenditure among the markets. Aren’t they a considerable cog of the US economy engine?

Boat Accidents in the US

This report highlights the dark side of sailing the waters around the US and presents the primary factors of boat accidents that are apparently similar to ones causing accidents with other transportation means.

Real Estate Crash Re...

See the changes in the US real estate market. Prices keep falling but trends and current economy context denote imminent recovery phase.

Tenancy Agreement Advice

6 useful advices on the pitfalls both tenants and landlords might encounter before a tenancy agreement. It’s good to be precautious rather than getting infringed.

How refinancing helps families Dec21

How refinancing helps families

Overwhelmed by their mortgage payments, the American low income families seek for relief through 2 option refinancing.

Tea Party Freshmen Bankrolled By Big Banks

When banks buy off the House Tea Party big toughts start hazing. See the players and numbers of this congress game.

American Bankruptcy 2012 Dec17

American Bankruptcy 2012

This report from Low Price Law outlines the situation with bankruptcy status of American families or singles and hightlights the reasons that lead to bankruptcy filing. However, a comparison between 2 annual periods of 2011 and 2012 allows some optimism.

Attract House Buyers

Learn how you can achieve curb appeal by detailing parts of the house and attract the attention of buyers. The sale of a house relies on visual impact, therefore the greater the appeal is the faster and better the selling comes. Depending on your finance, you can make from simple to big changes in order to improve its look. Discover the secrets before sticking in “For Sale”.

American Startup Crisis

American startups have been in decline for the last 30 years underlying a crisis situation in the US entrepreneurship. This infographic shows us comparison statistics from the golden age back in 80’s and the current state and underlines the need for support.

Credit Crisis Simplified

For you people that you experience and feel the downturn resulting from the so called credit crisis, here is the simplified version of what happens in the mortgage market and how brokers, banks and investment institutions are creating financial bombs. Creativity in its excellence-this presentation wins an A+ grade.

Black Friday 2012 Recap

A quick recap on how online retail markets performed on Black Friday 2012 compared to data from 2011.

Car Insurance UK Market

A major turnover happens in the UK car insurance market after EU court mandated exclusion of gender criteria when brokers are quoting for insurance products. Find out how the new rules will affect young drivers’ premiums.

World Copper Market

Following to the history of copper, comes this market analysis that highlights production, supply, demand and consumption worldwide.

Carbon Management Industry

A report from the London School of Business and Finance proving that carbon management and green business in general are a fertile ground both for investments and educational orientation. The world is changing only through unity. Let’s turn all green!

Credit Card Use UK

Tesco Bank reports on the way people use their credit cards in the UK and found some surprising results. This infographic is a great way to see how credit card use reflects who they are and what stage in their life’s they are going through.

Healthcare Spending vs Life Expectancy

Contrary to the common sense, life expectancy rates are not proportional to the spending for healthcare services in many countries. US proves to be the worst perfomer regarding this analogy while other countries with limited funds and less industrialized achieve more.

China American Relationship

The hard riding Chinese economy invokes constant change in the relationship betweeen China and America and consequently in the global opinion for each of these countries. It’s not about hatred or love but something in between. See how Americans and Chineses see each other.