eMail Usage 2012 Apr09

eMail Usage 2012

Sex and Dating related email messages account for the 63% of global spam leaving far behind messages that relate to jobs, pharmaceuticals and 8 more categories. Read more insights about email usage and security around the world.

eMail Subject Line Tips

eMail communication remains a traditional and effective online marketing practice both for B2B and B2C marketers. However, things have changed in the volume of messages we receive and the way they are filtered and blocked by mail servers, firewalls or mail clients. Writing the perfect subject line, not only is your passport to the inbox but also the touter that will attract recipient’s attention.

Newsletter Design Ti...

Don’t overdo it with the design if you want to retain your newsletter subscribers pool. Learn what are the 8 crucial steps that a subscriber goes through while interacting with an email. Design for the Inbox!