The Future of Google Plus

Think beyond of your times. A hypothetical senario 40 years ahead that scripts the Google plus funeral while praising Facebook’s dominance based on present traffic stats. Exaggeration?

Online media and Olympics

Here is illustrated the social activity and mobile usage boom comparing statistics of 2 olympiad periods, one of Beijing 2008 and the present London 2012

User Activity On Social Networks

Basic comparison statistics for the high five of social networks: Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook, Google + and Pinterest.

Social Battle Of The Sexes

The way we interact with the existing and new social media channels differs greatly between men and women. In 5 “fighting” rounds you will learn about the numbers behind the social habits of the sexes and the final knock out.

Social Media & Traditional journalism

Our new digital habits have radically changed the way and the speed the information circulates. Social media are gaining more popularity as news source and journalists deal with obsolesce. But what’s going on in terms of trustworthiness and accuracy? Distributed reporting seems to be the next challenge for the news industry.

Seo Industry Is Big

10 distinctive facts that justify the seo buzz around the world.

Pinterest Image Optimization

Pin it is not enough. You have to make it better and here you learn about things you are mising. An updated refferal traffic ranking comparison is waiting for you on the bottom.

Social Customer Service Jul06

Social Customer Service

The modern business context has nurtured empowered customers having great expectations from the companies. Customer service today is rather a matter of total quality than a worry of response speed. See how social media are involving.

What is Klout?

In a world where everything is measured and “deeply” analyzed it would be a miss the absence of social media influence measurement. Klout is a popular tool of this kind and this guide is good both for initiation and knowledge extension.

Personal Data And Trust

On this report you will learn that exposion of personal data is negotiable and has its trust-price depending on various factors. However middle aged users are less wiling to open their inner and evidently doubting about data integrity amongst businesses.

Social Media Gender Split 2012

Ok Pinterest is extremely popular to women – we know it. But what’s the pie split among the other social media networks? Social bookmarking sites aren’t women’s preference.

Social Media Insecurity

Are you a FOMO sufferer? Do you feel insecurity whenever you’re missing friends’updates, trends or online content on social media. Take the test and learn what FOMO is.

Women Blogs & Social Media

Jumpthru tries to anatomize the relation of women with blogs and social media. Blogging platforms and pinterest win the premiership of females’ trust with the former taking over as far purchasing decisions.

Social Oversharing and Security

Have you ever wondered if we are overdoing it with social sharing? Security issues might come up when you thoughtlessly update your status. After all, oversharing is strongly related with emotional disorders.
Keep some things private and know if you are suffering from FOMO – the social media syndrom of our days.

Facebook most social cities

People everywhere use Facebook to check in to places. Here you can see the 5 top hotspots of the most “social”cities.

Facebook And Love Li...

Recent statistics reveal that Facebook knows about your love life more than you think. After all if it’s not on FB it’s not official. Is that right?

Social media for antisocial people Jun15

Social media for ant...

According to this survey from Badoo, social media do have a considerable impact on getting people antisocial and secluded from real life moments. What’s your experience?

The Presidential Battle On Facebook Jun15

The Presidential Battle On Facebook

Obama and Romney are battling in all means for the presidential elections. How effective are their social strategy efforts?

The Linkedin Profile

A survey over the use of Linkedin Network strictly from registered users.

Social Media and college students

Some statics over social media habits of college students.