Ads for the People! Feb11

Ads for the People!

This report outlines the advertising from the consumers’ perspective. According to this report, only 3% of the 500 surveyed individuals consider the claims in ads as accurate. The majority is wary due to use of smarty tricks from advertisers. Discover what makes an ad resonate with consumers’ brand perception.

Smashing Product Ideas

Get inspired by 10 simple yet lucrative product concepts that have taken consumers by storm internationally. Meet the inventors, learn their stories and get an idea of the revenue cleared so far.

Career in UXD

Thrilled by designing products or services that people will love and use? Here you get an idea of what it takes to make a career in UXD (User Experience Design) and how much you’ll earn on average.

Product badges and labels

Product badges can improve your conversion rate significantly as they are highligting product or deal attributes that deserve extra attention. Find some design and usage tips that will add up to your e-commerce strategy.

Kickstarter Stats

What are the fundamentals for driving a successful project on one of the most popular funding platforms for creative projects?

Brand Colors speak your Business Jul04

Brand Colors speak your Business

Color in branding is decisive to succesful marketing campaigns. It costs next to nothing to choose the right colors for your company. Have a look on this mini tutorial.

Trends Of New Electronic Products 2011

Refers to last year’s entries of electronic products but we all know that technology is times ahead. Interestint conclusions about the growth and direction of electronic market can be derived.

Rise Planet Gmos

GMOs are rising and the US hold the premiership. See here the coverage of GMO food farmlands worldwide.

Behind Apple’s i-Products Jun22

Behind Apple’s i-Products

Apple is the front label – but technological breakthrough necessitates strategical collaboration. i-products enclose the brainpower of various leading tech companies

Make video for business

Being a timed marketer means that you realize the full potential of video making as a super power channel for sales boost. Watch here the reasoning.

Making a T-Shirt

If you love designer t-shirts then you might be interested to know what you pay.

The Illusion Of Brand Choice Jun11

The Illusion Of Brand Choice

There’s always a Giant behind. After this you will realize that loving or choosing a brand goes even far than you think.