Middle East e-Commerce Market

Predictions are of the most optimistic regarding the growth of e-Commerce in the Middle East. It is expected that by 2015 the B2C e-Commerce market will turnover $15 billion resulting in about 70% increase from 2012. Find out more insights about online shopping in MENA.

Purchase Decision Factors Apr30

Purchase Decision Factors

Find out what urges people either to head to the cashier’s desk or to click the check out button. Reaching a purchase decision is not incidental.

Smashing Product Ideas

Get inspired by 10 simple yet lucrative product concepts that have taken consumers by storm internationally. Meet the inventors, learn their stories and get an idea of the revenue cleared so far.

Christmas Shopper Types

Getting online shoppers to stuff the Christmas cart implies detailed knowledge of their profile, needs and wants for a marketer. Discover 5 must-have holiday shopper types that are ready to advocate your shop if you win their loyalty.

Social Media & Online Shopping

6500 US conusmers were surveyed about how they use mobile devices and social media from product research to purchase decision and in-store experience.

In Store Pickup Jul03

In Store Pickup

Ecommerce thrives and even more customers do product research online. However great portion prefers to pick up the order on their own and get optimal in-store experience. Controversial – isn’t that?