Historic Shift In US Demographics Dec26

Historic Shift In US Demographics

Black or White? Radical changes have been noticed in US demographics. We are all people!

Most Populous Cities

See the world’s 23 mega-cities and the imminent growth of 14 more with 9 of them coming from Asia. Find also historical, demographical and living condition facts showing that residents’ life quality strongly relates with development consistency.Nice interactive maps developed by the Guardian interactive team and documented by the UN.

Palestinian Ruins Sep03

Palestinian Ruins

A frustrating report about the systematic displacement of Palestinians from Gaza and the West Bank resuming the devastating effects of an “eternal” clash.

Masters Of The Earth Jul22

Masters Of The Earth

Interesting facts about the evolution of the man kind and its impact on the environment.

Inclusive Green Growth

Population explosion is going to exhaust earth’s natural resources and heighten need for food. We won’t make it unless we adopt green growth models. Learn about the opportunities we have.