Resume Padding Statistics

We all fudge the facts sometimes; from how big the fish we caught was to how old we are. Fudging the facts on a resume is one of the most common ways people stretch the truth with the view to get the job. However, before you stretch the truth, consider that many employers are starting to spend more time looking, esearching, and reviewing resumes. Check this infographig for more information on resume padding.

Compensation Survey 2012

This is a market pricing practices survey and asks employers about their current compensation practices and any planned changes. Figures are from 2011 and are compared to 2010 with a split by company size and industry.

Financial Independence for Young Jul08

Financial Independence for Young

The global job market landscape is constantly changing while internet culture and social technology are becoming our routine. Millennial workforce realizes new rising potentials and finds the path to make more than its living.