Skilled Worker Demand

Even more industries are jacking their hiring standards and require skilled workers with postsecondary education in the US. But the gap of unskilled labor force is now more evident than ever and projections are that it’s going to keep growing leaving a notable percentage of job demand uncovered.

Kids Dream Job

What do you want to be when you grow up? A classic question kids are asked. Here you’ll see how their dreams for the future job stack up and form the top 10 professions for tomorrow adults.

IT Professional Demand US

Despite the hard global economic context IT professionals are sought after and enjoy of numerous job opportunities due to the industry’s evolution. Explore tha past, present and future of the US IT job market.

Job Market Turnover

Get informed about estimations for the job market turnover in the next five years. According to specialists a high demand for online education and online degrees is expected making the following five jobs sought after.