Masterpiece Watches

It is believed that watches, regardless of their value reflect one’s personality. Money Supermarket compiled a collection of 20 high-end watches from a wide range of styles and features and with price tag starting from $350.

Diamond Cost Breakdown

From 90 miles under the ground to your finger, neck, or ear it’s a way too long journey. Learn about the factors that determine the primary cost and the value added to a diamond till its landing in the retail market.

Jewelry Style Tips

Girls exclusive infographic presenting smart tips on jewelry and make-up combinations that will make a “cat” look classy and tight on every occasion.

Celebrities Burglaries Mar15

Celebrities Burglaries

According to FBI a home gets robbed in the U.S. every 14 seconds. However burglarized celebrities’ homes are a different story. See the details of the top 5 craziest celebrity home break-ins in one place.