Clark Kent Superhero Economics

In view of the forthcoming release of Superman’s sequel “The man of steel”, guys from Net Voucher Codes evaluated the cost of being the Last Son of Krypton – as well as mild-mannered journalist Clark Kent. They found out that the Man of Tomorrow is by far the thriftiest superhero around!

Elon Musk and Tony Stark Comparison

Can you tell the difference between Elon Musk and Tony Stark? Though being compared to a super hero, you could say he is walking a line at the moment and could fall either side.

Iron Man Armor Evolution

Since Iron Man’s creation, over 50 years ago, his armor has seen many variations. In fact, there have been more than 20 different armors that Tony Stark has worn. This is a pictorial representation of the most storied of Iron Man’s armors.

DC vs Marvel Superheroes

The eternal battle of the two titan superhero comic companies. See how their superhero movies have performed in US Box-Office through the last 5 decades.

The Cost Of Being Iron Man Aug27

The Cost Of Being Iron Man

Are you a superhero dreamer? Did you learn what it takes to be a Batman replica? Now it’s time to seek funding for your Iron Man outfit.