Gasoline Consumption in the US Nov20

Gasoline Consumption in the US

Americans still belong to the gasoline ravenous of the world with an average spending of $3000 for 2012. See a breakdown of gasoline consumption and fuel industry profits in and outside the US.

Home Heating Savings

Conserving heat in our homes benefits both our wallet and the environment. Calor energy company suggests 4 easy steps that will make you feel warmer and avoid a cold shiver when getting the energy bill.

Resource Scarcity Facts

Natural resources exhaustion is not fictional and much more measures must taken in order to control this threat. Likewise, resource scarcity is closing faster than we think. Carbon trust presents how businesses respond to this situation and how active or stagnant they are to the direction of securing sustainability.

Petro Canada Oil Careers

With Canada being the second country in established oil reserves after Saudi Arabia , it’s more than plausible that the ground is fertile for chasing a career in the petroleum industry both for males and females.

Weight on Fuel Consumption

An intriguing report that sizes the rising average passenger weight with fuel usage worldwide. Frustrating facts come up about adults’ obesity in USA through time.

Gas Price And Oil Imports Jun19

Gas Price And Oil Imports

Oceana illustrates here in a simple yet logical way that gas prices do not correlate with oil imports and sums up the basic factors that affect the market.