Clean Water Shortage

This infographic reports on some shocking facts about the shameful inequality to clean water access between developing and developed countries and the detrimental consequences for the people, local economies and nations.

Virtual Water Tradin...

See how the shortage in water reserves for high volume production countries like India, USA and Australia has lead to virtual water trading in an effort to control scarcity and sustain supply.

Borehole Water Suppl...

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of taking your own water supply off mains and tapping into groundwater to power your business or home? This graphic outlines many of the benefits of utilising borehole water, the applications of it and the savings someone can much you’d be likely to save if you were to utilise a borehole for your water needs.

Water for Body Health

An overview on the significance of water drinking for the human body together with glass comparison tables relative to the general water intake guidance.

Global Water Crisis

As the global economy grows, so will its thirst! Ban Ki-Moon statement (UN). This report outlines the real picture of current water reserves and future risks due to population explosion and inefficient management. See the real picture and learn what you can do to help.

Water Wasting Home

Usable water reserves are fastly decreasing. See what’s our determining role as individuals in tnis situation and how we can make economies of scale in savings.