Choosing a Charity

Choosing a charity to help is a big deal. Discover what you can do to maximize the power of your donation.

Leave your Mark with a Will Mar28

Leave your Mark with a Will

When the “time” is closing family and friends are the first to think. However, before reaching our fate and taking the path to the sky we can generate a positive effect on people aside our relatives. All we need is love and solidarity.

Social Fundraising 2012

Social media and especially Facebook have largely contribute to the efforts of non-profits for fundrainsing. Read a comprehensive 2012 recap for social giving and crowd funding.

Social Media Impact on Society

Utilizing the social media power for social good is the next challenge in uniting people for a common cause. Have a look at successful social campaigns and learn how to implement a social cause strategy.

Blood Donation Saves

Who doubts that blood donation is a social responsibility? It counts knowing that you can save a fellow’s life with just 1/3 of a pint!

The Future Of Social Activism Jun25

The Future Of Social Activism

Young adults prove to be more social active having essential concerns and sternly supporting causes they care about. Is this due to hard times call?