Puppy Care Tips in Fall Dec23

Puppy Care Tips in Fall

Fall season hides dangers and pitfalls for your little but also benefits that your puppy can enjoy. Though fall has passed for good, you will find several tips that go for winter too.

Pet Proof Home

Pets like to go around and play the “scavenger hunt” by nosing everywhere in your home. But they cannot sense the money or sentimental cost of the damages they leave behind. This “cute” infographic introduces some tips for training your pet and protect your belongings.

Domestic Dog Evolution

There is solid evidence that dog is descending from wolf. But how have we reached to domestic dogs and developed such level of intimacy with a primarily wild specie? See how selective breeding formed dogs as we know them today.

Companion Dog Types Nov01

Companion Dog Types

Very enlightening infographic for the definition and classification of dogs as companion animals, therapy or service dogs according to their training.