Invest in Customer Retention

Acquiring a customer is 6 to 7 times more costly than retaining one. This report from Merchant Warehouse brings up some key features and options business owners should stick to in order to attract more customers from the competition and facilitate retention and sales looping.

Consumer Survey Power Apr08

Consumer Survey Power

6 out of 10 people are directly or indirectly influenced during their purchase decision after participating in a survey conducted by a brand. This report from Sample Survey spotlights the impact of consumer surveys on both brands and consumers.

Loyalty And The Smartphone App

Some quick figures to realize the effect of smartphone Apps on customer loyalty.

7 Digital Tactics For Ecommerce Personas

You should reckon with these 7 creatures when setting your ecommerce strategy.

Customer Love and Customer Service Dec02

Customer Love and Customer Service

Don’t break my heart! Show your customers the love they need through real customer service and wai for the best to come.

What Is The Value Of A Facebook Fan

Do you think you can estimate your facebook fans value? Be cautious, you have to consider 6 equations and the way they corralate with your brand.

Customer Loyalty Oct27

Customer Loyalty

How impotant is customer loylalty and what is the contribution of customer service to this achievement?

Building Online Trust

Ride through the path and meet 8 significant tips for an online marketing strategy commited to customer trust.

Customer Satisfaction Sep03

Customer Satisfaction

Customers want more! Are you ready to offer exceptional customer service rather than bootlicking? Read and learn from these essentials to get most sought after while improving your company’s image.

Online Reputation Management

Are you familiar with ORM? Consorte Marketing instructs online marketers on how to monitor their brand image and inhibit false or negative information.

Lead To Revenue Management Guide

Lead to revenue management is about designing a company’s marketing and sales program focused on its impact on revenue. Learn about the whole framework.

Social Customer Service Jul06

Social Customer Service

The modern business context has nurtured empowered customers having great expectations from the companies. Customer service today is rather a matter of total quality than a worry of response speed. See how social media are involving.