Mobile Commerce In The Us

The rapid rise of smartphone and tablet usage has consequently resulted in substantial changes of consuming behavior.Read about the latest trends of the US mobile commerce market.

Millennial Shopping Habits Jul19

Millennial Shopping ...

A new consumer group is emegring, with diverse behavior and new value system. How do they think, react, choose when it comes to shopping? Quick and easy info.

Believe in Brands Jul16

Believe in Brands

On this report you will learn what are the best tactics for brand communication that will build trust and relevancy among customers and finally sales for your company

Coupon Hunter Guide Jul15

Coupon Hunter Guide

Are you a bargain beater totally dedicated to value for money? This is a guide to stay inline with the coupon offers boom and kick off hitting the best deals.

Couch Commerce

Couching can be “productive” for your time, pleasant for you ego and expensive for your wallet as long as you consume with the help of your tablet. See interesting facts about changes in consumer behaviour after the burgeoning of table market.

Brand Colors speak your Business Jul04

Brand Colors speak your Business

Color in branding is decisive to succesful marketing campaigns. It costs next to nothing to choose the right colors for your company. Have a look on this mini tutorial.

Email Marketing anatomy

Interesting metrics and general guidelines for creating effective mail campaigns that will reach, touch and motivate your customers and prospects.

In Store Pickup Jul03

In Store Pickup

Ecommerce thrives and even more customers do product research online. However great portion prefers to pick up the order on their own and get optimal in-store experience. Controversial – isn’t that?

Social Media Personas

A customer segmentation approach that suggests 6 social media usage personas based on behavioral drivers of Trust and Control.

Trends Of New Electronic Products 2011

Refers to last year’s entries of electronic products but we all know that technology is times ahead. Interestint conclusions about the growth and direction of electronic market can be derived.

Consumers susceptible to Mobile Marketing

People are getting more and more familiar with new mobile technologies and are ready and open to calls for action if they feel trust for a brand. Mobile channels are a top priority opportunity for online marketers. See the state of present and future mobile usage among users together with some behavioral analysis.

Personal Data And Trust

On this report you will learn that exposion of personal data is negotiable and has its trust-price depending on various factors. However middle aged users are less wiling to open their inner and evidently doubting about data integrity amongst businesses.

Unselfish Online Reviews Jun25

Unselfish Online Reviews

More and more consumers are flocking to online review sites to share their opinions and experiences. Reviewers are scarcely motivated by tangible rewards. Don’t you wonder why they’re doing it?

Sustainability is Cost Effective

Going green by adopting sustainable lifestyle doesn’t mean just spending and nothing saving. Even slightly expensive green choices pay off in the long run. See how to balance the factors that affect your badget