Hollywood Prequels

Do you find that sequels enhance and progress the basic story of movie series or they just replicate without justifying their release?
See some representative examples of Hollywood creativity or idea recycling history “hand-picked” by TexasElectricityProviders.

Must See Movies of All Time

An inspired simulation of tube map with station names taken from the most meaningful films in cinema history. 16 coloured lines depict the various film categories and form a metro grid that stands as your show map. Pick a line, get on and enjoy.

James Bond Values

A retrospective of the economics yielded from the James Bond culture throughout 50 years of action movies as well as some cost highlights of iconic Bond accessories

Hollywood Lost Creativity

Here is a critical view on the originality of the films that Hollywood industry has released through the last 4 decades showing a plausible decline in uncoventional creativity, A lot thought should also be invested in the fact that this situation has radically turned over the previously snobbish look against sequels and remakes.

Batman vs Spiderman undisguised Jul10

Batman vs Spiderman undisguised

This ins’t what makes a hero but what a hero makes. Get to know better the financial state of the most famous superheroes undisguised.

The First 35 Years Of Star Wars

Star wars has gained a heart-share of the film audience through time and millions of die-hard fans creating a supernova culture. Here is its chronicle that will make you recall your childhood.