Christmas Traditions Around the World

Learn about the etiquette and traditions of the Christmas season that people from around the world love to keep up. Read about outstanding Christmas habits from Sweden, Venezuela, UK, Japan, Finland, Spain and many more.

Santa Claus Origins

In 280 a.d. Saint Nicholas was considered the equivalent of Santa Claus, in 1600s Kris Kringle showed up and right after Father Christmas. See how Santa Claus tradition evolved through centuries and what was the role of Coca Cola company in the formation of the modern “Gift Giver”

Christmas Tree History

Did you know that the first Christmas tree was decorated back in 1600 ? Discover the history of the most characteristic symbol of the Christmas holidays mostly through the American tradition and etiquette.

Christmas Rumors

We know Christmas is all about magic and spirit. But aren’t you itching for reading some rumors around paradoxs and things that we’ve been taking for granted so far?

Secret Santa at Workplace

Surely it’s not the first time you hear about secret Santa. Have you ever tried it at workplace? It’s a nice and cost effective way to bring the jolly christmas spirit in the office.

Artificial vs Real Christmas Tree

Jolly statistics represetning the choice of American households between real and artificial Christmas trees. A good reason for real tree lovers to reconsider their views on Christmas traditions.