Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 101

A strictly IT oriented report that though it can’t typically be considered as infographic, it’s very informative of the planning and testing works that are necessary for successful implementation and smooth transition to Virtual Desktop Infrastructure for business purposes.

VDI Client Options

People from Devon IT present the options for setting up a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and look at the features of thin over zero clients and vice versa.

Order of Magnitude Science Jun04

Order of Magnitude Science

Non-profit Colleges Online venture an interesting comparison between small and big science in regard to the outcome and benefits of each one. Their presentation is based on 8 of the most revolutionary discoveries in human history. Does size matter after all?

Astrology 101

People from Mirror Horoscopes Team compiled this infographic in an effort to give us a better understanding of what each star sign means in terms of characteristics, relationships and even the jobs we choose. Following to this you will find some historical facts about astrology and how it is perceived in the 21st century.

Autism Spectrum Disorder 101

Did you know that autism is the fastest growing disorder among children showing a staggering high growth rate of up to 17% over the last 3 decades? presents an overview of autism and its overwhelming effects on personal, family and economic level.

Make Happy Home

Color psychology, Feng Shui and Biophilia are effective approaches for rejuvenating your home environment. Find some tips that will help you to add a little happiness and harmony to your home.

Fighting Children Asthma

Did you know that asthma is the most common chronic disease among children and that brings about 13KK of missing school days in America? This report addresses 4 approaches to better management of childhood asthma.

Mastering in Nursing

Interested in pursuing higher education in nursing? This report presents 8 specializations in nursing one can choose with an MSN (Master’s in Nursing), the career opportunities that emerge and the involved economic benefit from notable increase in paychecks.

Big Data Challenges Apr26

Big Data Challenges

The growth in data creation globally is estimated to reach at 40% per year. That is roughly 35 zettabytes per year, while the overall size of global data for 2011 was 1.8 zettabytes. Effective utilization of big data for business growth consists a rising concern among organisations. But the real challenge in data management comes from the 3 V’s.

LHC CERN Big Bang Big Data

CERN hosts 4 of the biggest, most complex and momentous experiments in the world history. LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is one of the 4 and outputs a whopping total of 1 petabyte/sec data. Without the proficiency of united IT geniuses around the world this data would never enter the pipeline. Watch an impressive animation that represents how CERN’s big data are collected, processed, recorded and distributed.

Student Athlete Concussions

Sports and recreational activities account for 21% of concussions developing to head trauma among American children. Find more stats about concussion occurrences on student fields, learn about the immediate and post-traumatic symptoms, how to recognize them and how to deal with an injured player.

Cloud Technology Saves

Cloud technology has a ton of benefits that are becoming more and more well-known. Here we see some facts regarding the energy efficiency potentials for the planet and the involved reduction in energy costs for businesses.

Children CPR Instructions

Children are prone to accidents and as a parent you need to be prepared for emergency situations. Learning how to perform CPR on your child is extremely important because there are only a few minutes between life or death. Don’t wait until it’s too late.

Darkness Phobia

Do you fear of the dark? Don’t be shy! Many adults do. According to Sigmund Freud dark-phobic symptoms find their roots in separation anxiety and mother’s absence. Peer experts postulate that there are genetic implications coming from our ancestry and the brutal era. Finally, how justifiable is for humans to turn spooky as the sun goes down?

Domestic Dog Evolution

There is solid evidence that dog is descending from wolf. But how have we reached to domestic dogs and developed such level of intimacy with a primarily wild specie? See how selective breeding formed dogs as we know them today.

Space Logistics

Either for the various space missions of the present or for conquest of inhabiting the most “human-friendly” planet in the future, delivering materials or transporting people to and from space is not an easy job. See the economics behind space supply chain management and the job opportunities that emerge.

Carcinogen in Daily Life Apr11

Carcinogen in Daily Life

Read some daunting facts about the contribution of environmental pollution and hazardous material exposure to carcinogenesis. The report starts with a mapping of the most cancer risky states in the US.

Space Water Conservation

Water consumption in a space station is limited to the minimum mainly due to the extremely high transport cost. Learn about the technology that supports spacemen’s basic needs in water.

Drugs in the US

According to the facts presented here drugs have become a convention for large portion of the American population. The societal impact is plausibly multifactor and to some extent there’s a heavy death toll for young addicts. Have a look at some interesting facts about drug use and addiction in the US.

Scientific Achievements 2012 Apr03

Scientific Achievements 2012

Meet some of the most influential scientists and their feats of the past year in the areas of genetics, physics, medicine, and more!