Google Fiber Potential

Google fiber is currently the fastest and the cheapest ISP compared to top ISPs both in the US and UK. For the time being only Kansas City and Central Kansas City enjoy the whopping speed of 1GB/sec. What holds the future in terms of upsizing?

eMail Marketing Insights

Email marketing remains the backbone of online marketing strategy for the majority of e-marketers offering high ROI. This infographic pinpoints the significance of mobile adaptation and social media integration in email marketing campaigns.

Global Online Time Spent May02

Global Online Time Spent

See a breakdown of the most popular web properties around the world and users’ habits regarding visit frequency.

Facebook Contest App Tips

People love contests and actually love to think of the idea of winning something. Building a facebook contest that drives people to participate and engage with your brand is more than coding science. Learn which are the key elements that make a contest app consistent with facebook’s policy and productive of the most gratifying results for your marketing needs.

Online Education Growing

A quite simple and minimal infographic that depicts the significant increase of online schooling. During the period 2005-2010 online students have doubled. What holds the future for education?

PPC Landing Page 101

People from Unbounce encapsulate their knowledge in landing page optimization into this quick reference guide and teach how to make the most from your PPC campaigns by presenting the ins and outs of landing page design.

UK Mobile Commerce Growth

With the smartphones being a mainstream rather than a luxury, mobile commerce shows striking growth that largely lies in the adoption of mobile optimization from retailers end. This report offers some insights about UK mobile market and Britons’ online shopping habits.

B2B Content Marketing Statistics

Content marketing has hit the mainstream of online campaigns for the majority of B2B marketers. This report outlines how they leverage original content to accomplish their objectives.

Social Media Privacy Breach

Are you feeling safe while “playing” with the various social media networks? Identity theft incidents are becoming more than common. NextAdvisor alerts users about the risks lurking across social networks and gives some generic protection tips.

Better Facebook Image Posts

Even more businesses enter the social game in an effort to reach out their fans and prospects. However, low performance in facebook fan engagement is a common concern. Salesforce offers a best practice blueprint to help us make image posts that speak for your page.

CMS Market Breakdown

Choosing the right CMS (Content Management System) for building or expanding online presence is a critical decision. Find here a presentation that outlines the present cms market with a focus on the most popular including Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal.

Digital Advertising History

See an overview of the digital advertising evolution that has happened along with the growth and development of the internet and various multimedia technologies.

Digital Women

Weber Shandwick in collaboration with KRC Research present some insights about women who are active and enthusiast about social media in an effort to spotlight their importance for marketers as a particularly engageable audience.

Understanding Edgerank

Following to the Edgerank 101 infographic that enlightened us about the way Facebook’s algorithm scores users and pages, here comes its sequel Edgerank 102. Learn how the news feed content is composed and which are the variables that filter and determine the stories we see.

Gmail History

Gmail has already 9 years of history and though still in High School age, has managed to gather hordes of users offering basic and advanced communication features. Have a look at some highlights from the Gmail evolution.

Internet Usage by Gender 2012

1029 adult respondents disclose their perception of internet usage as part of their day routine, how they prioritize various common activities and how they spend their time online.

Invest in Customer Retention

Acquiring a customer is 6 to 7 times more costly than retaining one. This report from Merchant Warehouse brings up some key features and options business owners should stick to in order to attract more customers from the competition and facilitate retention and sales looping.

Contact Form Optimization

is there a magic recipe as for optimizing a contact form for more conversions? The answer is no, as it largely depends on the scope a form serves, the industry or niche a site refers, and the general look and feel of a web property. However, there are some general rules that can avert leaking and make a visitor go further down the funnel.

More Facebook Shares

People from made a list of 14 keynotes for anyone out there in need for more visibility and viral sharing on Facebook.

Affiliate or Referral Marketing

Both affiliate and referral programs are effective advertising channels that bring new customers to online businesses and rewards to referrers. Which one a marketer chooses depends on the market he refers, the sales goals he sets, the advertising budget and the level of customer loyalty he wishes to achieve. See how it works.