Serving Sizes Around The World

More than 1/3 of Americans are obese. This is most likely due to sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie foods, and large servings. See a comparison of American serving sizes with those around the world.

Fast Food Facts

Really impressive facts about the fast food industry. Just some highlights of what you’ll watch are: Americans are champs in calorie intake, 248 000 die prematurely due to obesity, 75% of Mc Donalds sales are made up by customers with 10 time monthly frequency.

Corn Industry Shocking Facts

See how massive corn production has degraded the quality of foods we’re eating and its contribution to Americans’ obesity .

Obesity Costs the US Jun19

Obesity Costs the US

Adults obesity has been doubled in the the US throughout the last 30 years. Being overweighted harms your health and costs your boss. Think that obesity medical costs are twice as much as smoking and drinking health care costs.

Obesity In United States Of America Jun03

Obesity In United States Of America

Are you gonna keep getting bigger after reading this? I don’t think so. Time for workout!