Women’s Equality Day Facts

How much do you know about Women’s Equality Day and the 19th Amendment of Aug 26? Though a bit outdated as for the date we put this infographic on, it’s quite informative of the inequality between the sexes in the US and the history of women’s rights

Women Entrepreneurship in USA

Statistically, women outnumber men in higher education in USA. However, reality shows that they come upon snags when it comes to leadership or entrepreneurship. This infographic suggests the best cities accross the US that offer the best conditions to aspiring female entrepreneurs based on 5 key factors.

Working Women in America

American women are working hard and are feeling quite saddled in their effort to effectively respond to both motherhood and career duties, with most of them having limited options to choose a single role. But what mostly pains is the fact that contrary to their feministic feats, modern women are unhappy and less satisfied.

Digital Women

Weber Shandwick in collaboration with KRC Research present some insights about women who are active and enthusiast about social media in an effort to spotlight their importance for marketers as a particularly engageable audience.