How to Flirt a Girl by Texting Feb10

How to Flirt a Girl by Texting

Learn how to text a girl after you get her number. You’ll discover when girls want to be texted, how much guy competition you’ll likely be up against and what texting habits will make her flake the first date. The data was put together from an online survey where 100 single women in the US were asked how guys text them after swapping digits.

Driving and Texting Facts

Multitasking while driving can be prove quite detrimental. See some interesting facts regarding response time efficiency for the average driver who splits his focus between texting or reading SMS and the wheel.

Mobile Phone Social Isolation

Is keeping in touch by mobile phone killing our real-life conversations?

Text Messaging Evolution

Since when do you remember yourself tapping the keypad on the go? If you don’t belong to the mobile tech veterans, it worth to know that the first ever sms text message was delivered just a few days before 1992 closing. See how it all started and how we have reached to talk about the SMS lingo.

The World on Mobile

People from Lebara UK, sourcing data from the UN and PEW, visualize the worldwide mobile usage across 18 different countries from Europe, Africa, Middle East, America and Asia to show us how the world utilizes mobile technology to communicate.

US Car Crash Statistics 2011

Statistially every 12 minutes one person loses his life due to fatal car crash in the US while 16 is the most risky age for a driver to be involved in car accident. Car Insurance Quotes reports on the life and economic cost of car accident occurrences presenting interesting statistcs about the causes and effects.

Driving Distraction by Gender

One more batlle between the sexes. He or She? How do the two genders behave as far distraction while driving?

Distracted Driving Effects

Distracted driving is a growing problem in the USA that costs thousands of lives annually. See how it increases the chance of being involved in an accident!

Millennials Generation Nov02

Millennials Generation

Young and techish. Millennials belong to the age scale from 18 to 34 and self-define as the generation that is marked by broad technology use. Discover behavioral patterns of the digital natives.

Breakdown of Android Users Oct05

Breakdown of Android Users

7 things you wanted to know about about Android users but were afraid to ask.

Teen Sexting

Exchange of pornographic material among teens has been a rising trend the last years. Learn what goes around and realize the risks involved.

Cellular Etiquette Jul16

Cellular Etiquette

Where are you mobile manners? This report denotes our cell phone addiciton – especially among youngs – and the combined mobile overdoing, arising awareness about rude behaviour and medium abusement.