How to Flirt a Girl by Texting Feb10

How to Flirt a Girl by Texting

Learn how to text a girl after you get her number. You’ll discover when girls want to be texted, how much guy competition you’ll likely be up against and what texting habits will make her flake the first date. The data was put together from an online survey where 100 single women in the US were asked how guys text them after swapping digits.

Driving and Texting Facts

Multitasking while driving can be prove quite detrimental. See some interesting facts regarding response time efficiency for the average driver who splits his focus between texting or reading SMS and the wheel.

Mobile Phone Social Isolation

Is keeping in touch by mobile phone killing our real-life conversations?

Text Messaging Evolution

Since when do you remember yourself tapping the keypad on the go? If you don’t belong to the mobile tech veterans, it worth to know that the first ever sms text message was delivered just a few days before 1992 closing. See how it all started and how we have reached to talk about the SMS lingo.

The World on Mobile

People from Lebara UK, sourcing data from the UN and PEW, visualize the worldwide mobile usage across 18 different countries from Europe, Africa, Middle East, America and Asia to show us how the world utilizes mobile technology to communicate.

Celebrities Sexting Scandals

Sexting is the prevalent flirting trend among teens and youngsters. However adults are not excluded from the game. Especially when it comes to distinguished individuals such as Hollywood celebrities or politicians, sexting turns to subtle cheating practice. Learn the spicy details for 15 famous personas caught red-handed.

Mobile Phones in Marketing

Have a quick view on the timeline of mobile technology evolution and the utilization in marketing with milestones starting from its infancy in 19th and 20th century.

Teen Sexting

Exchange of pornographic material among teens has been a rising trend the last years. Learn what goes around and realize the risks involved.

Narrowcast Vs Broadcast

Is bigger always better? This report suggests mobile marketing as the most preferable choice in terms of true audience reach and argues based on the following facts.

Texting While Driving Jul04

Texting While Driving

Teens and adults are texting or talking behind the wheel. 5 seconds of distractive driving are enough to cause a crash. See the facts.

College students love mobiles Jul04

College students love mobiles

A deep breakdown of the students’ mobile habits. They are never far from their smartphones, they cannot separate from them – mobiles are their hands’ second nature.

Consumers susceptible to Mobile Marketing

People are getting more and more familiar with new mobile technologies and are ready and open to calls for action if they feel trust for a brand. Mobile channels are a top priority opportunity for online marketers. See the state of present and future mobile usage among users together with some behavioral analysis.