Customer Service Experience Factor Oct14

Customer Service Experience Factor

First impression is vital both in personal and business communication. But to what extent does good or bad customer service affects future customer behavior.

Boost Social Media Presence

People from Vertical Measures give some tips on how a business can utilize major social networks for lead generation, product reviews, customer service and brand awareness to better consolidate its social media presence.

Mobile Shopping by Gender

1100 men and women declare their habits over mobile shopping and USamp gives us a comprehensive report on their activity.

Olympics 2012 Hotels

It’s the Hotels final sprint. How did they score in 5 major visitor experience criteria during the London Olympiad? A survey based on 600+ reviews and 3697+ raised sentiments.

Online Reputation Management

Are you familiar with ORM? Consorte Marketing instructs online marketers on how to monitor their brand image and inhibit false or negative information.

5 Stages of Travel

A fantastic interactive infographic from the “Google think” entity that illustrates the modern travelling habits as a 5 step process strongly backed by online media activity.

Believe in Brands Jul16

Believe in Brands

On this report you will learn what are the best tactics for brand communication that will build trust and relevancy among customers and finally sales for your company

Small Business Marketing Tips Jul12

Small Business Marketing Tips

Most small business owners scarcely find time to execute their marketing goals though they may have great ideas. Find here a 5 kick start catalogue with simple tips.