All Deep Web

You have an option to be completely anonymous online. Here’s an infographic that can guide you about that, and tell you what The Deep Web is.

Device Fingerprinting 101

Have you ever heard about cookies? Not the ones from your mom but rather those on the interwebs. Cookies and brand new Device Fingerprinting are the technologies that track our browsing history and gradually collect data for our online profile and habits. Learn more about how these methods compromise our online privacy.

Cyber Breach 2013

American internet is of the most dashing worldwide. American Internet services give us some surprising statistics about the the state and volume of cyber security data breach across the US starting from 2005 and up to 2013.

eGov Security

Egov implementation is expanding year by year in developed countries. The question is how public sector’s IT departments can stem the increasing threat of cyber attacks, avoid the pain of data breach and defend their system’s security?

Password Weakness

Internet has gone wild and according to experts, even the strongest password can be cracked depending on the time and effort a skilled hacker would put on. This report highlights the common password weaknesses and hacking methods and suggests some best practices to protect your online information until the coming of new age in authentication methods.

Mobile Security Awareness

January 28th has been named as Data Privacy Date. This spot brings mobile security awareness on the spotlight, by presenting notable facts from the currenst state in the mobile world followed by some essential tips on keeping your device the least vulnerable to security breaches.

Christmas Scams

Learn about the sneaky pits of online Christmas dash and how to protect your pocket and cheer from common holiday scams.

How Internet Tracking Works Dec11

How Internet Tracking Works

Transparency and security on the internet is an issue that has raised concern among users and governments. Internet tracking has significantly advanced in an effort to rake personal data, behavioral patterns and preferences. And that is mostly to favor of online advertising purposes. See how it works.

Safe Christmas Shopping

Either you prefer brick and mortar for your Christmas shopping or you get thrilled by crazy online deals, keeping your finanance safe is top priority issue. Be prepared before the holiday shopping blast by considering the following retail and online shopping safety tips.

Online Privacy Fears Nov15

Online Privacy Fears

What is your greatest fear about your digital life? Explore the real face of online privacy phobias that today internet users encounter both for their pesonal and family public exposure. it’s mostly about how we do things online and what we know about security issues.

Make Strong Password Oct11

Make Strong Password

The harder a password is to remember the harder it is to crack. Remember this proportional relation and learn how you can protect your top “secrets”

Password Security Statistics 2012 Sep25

Password Security Statistics 2012

How common is your password? See the facts for recent password hacks across popular sites like Linkedin and Yahoo. And let it be a motive to give up the silly 123456 that we all used in ancient digital times.

Social Networks Privacy Risks

Trend Micro awakes us with an overview on the type of information we publicly share on social networks and the risks involved. Everything you post can and will be used against you!

Generation Gap In Computer Security

The gap is everywhere! Digital media and social networks are vastly used by various age groups. Which one seems to be the most aware or less savvy as far the computer security and sensitive data protection?