Home Insurance 101 Dec27

Home Insurance 101

This infographic presents some interesting stats and facts about home insurance industry and serves as a basic guide for homeowners who need some help in choosing insurance plan and company and want to avoid involved pitfalls.

Hurricane Resistant Homes

Find some useful tips about how to make from small to big scale improvements or additions to your home so that you minimize the risk of hurricane damage.

Social Media and Natural Disasters

Social media is quickly becoming an efficient outlet for managing disaster response. See some interesting examples of their growing role in real incidents from the Japan Tsunami, Haiti Earthquake, Hurricane Sandy.

Earthquake Survival Kit Guide

Of the hardest and most dreadful moments people might experience is when they come against earh’s rage. Feeling helpless, weak and insecure while being in rush is the most common condition under which we tend to forget things. Have a look at the essentials we have to keep in a safe and accessible place in case of an earthquake.