iPhone Hidden Treasure

What’s the real value of an iPhone aside its branded markup value? A whole treasure of precious metals is hidden under iPhone’s shell and likewise of any smartphone. Discover the recycling value of the average retired iPhone based on the metals and rare earth minerals it contains.

Ireland Oil Industry

Oil moves the world and backs directly or indirectly the majority of the goods and services we enjoy. Jones Oil presents here an outlook of the Irish oil industry with detailed information about the supply chain and national consumption.

Responsible Water Usage

The purpose of this infographic is to address the importance of water reserves conservation and the ignorance people show in water management. The red dots you see on, are active notes with further info that you can see if you follow the publisher link on the left.

Why Protect Our Oceans

Oceans cover 71% percent of our planet. Don’t you think we should show some respect?

World Copper Market

Following to the history of copper, comes this market analysis that highlights production, supply, demand and consumption worldwide.

Copper in History

Copper has a very long and rich story in the human history. Discover its uses over time, its features and the reasons that make it one of the most essential metals in our world.

Silver Over Time

A nice journey to the silver quest trough time, its uses and its value perception. Though second to Gold it’s extremely valuable both as store of wealth and as element in modern industy and technology.

Investment in Gold

Is Gold commodity or currency? This is the final part of the Gold infographic sequel that examines its use as an investment tool. Discover the traditional and stable value of Gold

Gold Uses Today

Here is the 3rd part of the gold series, that outlines its 3 major uses in modern times. You will also learn how world demand is allocated across countries and how it’s connected to strong economic growth.

Gold Mining and Supply

It’s part 2 of the gold infographic sequel and here you can learn about the mining technologies as well as the 3 streams that make up the gold supply.

History of Gold

An interesting sequel infographic that examines the gold eco-system. Here you see No 1 referring to the history and properties of gold starting from 3600BC to 21st century.

Water for Body Health

An overview on the significance of water drinking for the human body together with glass comparison tables relative to the general water intake guidance.

Global Water Crisis

As the global economy grows, so will its thirst! Ban Ki-Moon statement (UN). This report outlines the real picture of current water reserves and future risks due to population explosion and inefficient management. See the real picture and learn what you can do to help.

Facts About Gold

Fascinating insights about the world’s most famous precious metal.

Water Wasting Home

Usable water reserves are fastly decreasing. See what’s our determining role as individuals in tnis situation and how we can make economies of scale in savings.

Rare Earth Metals industry

They sound valuable due to scarcity but that’s not truth. Rare metals are feeding the high-tech blossom. Now it’s obvious how the story goes…

Inclusive Green Growth

Population explosion is going to exhaust earth’s natural resources and heighten need for food. We won’t make it unless we adopt green growth models. Learn about the opportunities we have.

We are all Water

A great infographic that reminds us the importance of water in our living and its contribution to the planet’s ecosystem.

Wind Power brings savings

Focusing on wind power will save consumers and businesses billions while giving them a better place to live.

Textile recycling

How many fancy t-shirts do you have? The environmental impact of just one t-shirt is considerable. Think when it comes to millions or billions. Textile recycling can be a solution.