Ivy League vs Public University

Is it worth to shell out or end up indebted for entering the ivy league if someone cannot afford it? There is evidence that selective colleges with high tuition do not necessarily bring in proportionally high paychecks or high profile career. Public schools can produce high skilled and successful professionals at a more reasonable cost.

Student Loan Debt Crisis 2012

Back in 20th century studying in American university would cost you around $75-$300. Now that $8,500 is the tuition bedrock for public 4 year college for in-state students, it’s quite ordinary that student loans are indispensable. But a big portion of borrowers default their payments and finally end up indebted.

American Scholarships Mar26

American Scholarships

3.4 billion dollars are available via scholarship programs to students across America , and this infographic breaks down where they are coming from.

Bachelor Degree Cost Comparison Dec17

Bachelor Degree Cost Comparison

Learn about the average cost of a bachelor degree in various countries around the globe. Discover the most expensive private colleges in the US, the most high paid majors and finally the degrees with the lowest earnings on return proportionally their cost.

College Students 2012

Sheer ID comes back profiling the complexity of the college student crowd in 2012 to help marketers reconsider their targeting efforts.

Go to College or Not? Jul26

Go to College or Not?

Does the tangible and non-tangible cost of going to college pay you in return? This report may help you put your thoughts or worries on “paper” and start making your academic plans.



Holding an MBA degree doesn’t tie you up with success and prosperity. This report is a breakdown of the MBA boom happening in our times, in an effort to approach the average give and take values.