How to train employees to handle social media

Train your employees and build your policy and rules for in-house social media management

Maximizing Millennials

They are the forthcoming workforce and they show a diverse system of values and qualities making them a specialty for thorough examination in the human resource management. Know them to get the most!

The Impact Of Social Entrepreneurs

More than 1000 social entrepreneurs have been questioned by Unltd in an effort to give people an idea of their activity, their operations scheme as well as their true impact on society and economy.

Summer Internships 2...

This study examines the ROI of summer internships. Getting drown in the office might return a trainee immediate huge payoffs and long-term career potential. Isn’t this a fair exchange to the free summer spirit?

Marathon Runners Jul15

Marathon Runners

Even more people participate in marathons with a considerabale increase in female population. On this report you will find statistical analysis of US marathon events as well as tips on training and preparation before sweating your pants

The True Cost Of A Bad Hire

Do you hire zombies? Recruiting is a dangerous process that might cost you a fortune if you deal with tolerance.

Manage low employee morale

If you’ve noticed a decline in employee enthusiasm, it’s likely due to low morale and it’s more serious than simple mood swings. This guide suggests on-the-job training as the easiest way to lift the workplace spirit and revive to your glory days.

Senior Leadership Training

Candidates for the upper management fall short in key leadership competencies. Some training directions are given to smoothen the disparity with the established skill standards. Finally great leaders are more than talented managers.

Cheaper to Retrain Current Employees

If you think that hiring new employees will give you back productivity past thiving times, you are misleaded. According to this reaseach retraining existing human resources will be more effective.