Social Recruiting Statistics

The advent of social media networks has radically change the way businesses – that is recruiters – pick their job candidates from the crowd, putting traditional methods such as bill posts and local papers on the back seat. Get to know the new face of recruiting.

Internship History

Internship has its roots to apprenticeship back in 11th century, a system built to make skilled workers meet with inexperienced ones and diffuse knowledge. Have a look at the background of internship and how it has entered the mainstream of today student and business life.

Social Resume Breakdown

Social media are more than fun and sharing. Their popularity as recruiting tools has increased considerably. Putting your resume on social platforms is like opening the big gate to potential employers. Learn how to do it.

Social Media Recruitment

Social media are striding as recruitment tools from employers. According to this report the majority of US companies have used social networks to kick around before hiring while a great portion admit that this tactic led to succesfull hires. Discover which critical points are examined by emlpoyers.

Social Media Marketing Value

The ROI of social media marketing has raised great concern in marketers’ circles after the last years of tested experience. There are voices declaring that traditional metrics are not a strict part of the evaluation process. Explore the current trends and thoughts that came out from recent surveys.