How to Drive Conversions

This infographic was designed to show the 4 most important digital paths that businesses should be focusing on. Today, it is very important for a business to concentrate on traditional search marketing, mobile search, social media, and review sites. These are the top 4 digital mediums that a consumer is going to consult prior to making a purchase decision.

Online Video Drives Sales

Available both in static and motion version, this infographic pinpoints 6 key findings regarding the effectiveness of online video marketing to the narrow edge of the sales funnel.

Customer Service Experience Factor Oct14

Customer Service Experience Factor

First impression is vital both in personal and business communication. But to what extent does good or bad customer service affects future customer behavior.

Purchase Decision Factors Apr30

Purchase Decision Factors

Find out what urges people either to head to the cashier’s desk or to click the check out button. Reaching a purchase decision is not incidental.

7 Pricing Tricks Apr15

7 Pricing Tricks

Setting the right price for a service or product is more than doing the cost / profit estimation. Several experiments have been conducted by reputable professors, marketing and sales professionals, showing the psychological background of value perception from consumers’ side and the possibilities retailers have to manipulate their purchase decision. See how numbers hit the brain inside out.

Consumer Survey Power Apr08

Consumer Survey Power

6 out of 10 people are directly or indirectly influenced during their purchase decision after participating in a survey conducted by a brand. This report from Sample Survey spotlights the impact of consumer surveys on both brands and consumers.

Christmas Shopper Types

Getting online shoppers to stuff the Christmas cart implies detailed knowledge of their profile, needs and wants for a marketer. Discover 5 must-have holiday shopper types that are ready to advocate your shop if you win their loyalty.

Pinterest and Sales

A survey for pinterest users from Vision Critical that discloses the impact of pins on purchasing decisions. The smashing image based social network shows a good performance in assisted sales conversions.