Pop Star vs Producer Earnings

Have a look at how album sales earnings of famous pop stars’, who emerged from highly popular music tv shows are distributed between the artist and the producer. No guess it’s quite uneven. With Our infographic looks at the pop stars and producers, and shows just where all the money goes!

Music Transformation Over Time

This comic-some infographic traces the transformation over the last 100 years, from when we couldn’t even record or reproduce music to the digital age where music is everywhere all the time. It also touches on the resurgence of vinyl, and analog music vs. digital.

Google Play Music Attack

Google gives rise to a battle for all the marbles with the online music market leaders iTunes and Amazon through it’s new service, Google Music. Fully integrated with Google Plus, and backed with the power of android devices, Google is looking to make a big impact on the music industry. See the facts.

Online Music Sales History

A counterbalancing report to the ubiquitous notion of illegitimacy in online music distribution. See how the industry strides and further surpassing even the physical music sales.

Online Music Selling

The global music industry turnover has resulted in a radical change in the way music circulates. This review shows how artists make earnings selling music online.