US Real Estate per Marital Status

Single or Married? did the research and presents the best US cities for both marital statuses based on the proportion of major cities’ married/single populations, their median age and home price, and percent of their population that owns homes. Follow the link on the left to see the resolution of this report.

Top Travel Destinations for Men

Are you a single man? Free as a bird? Pack your suitcase and get ready to fly to one, two or even more of these must visit places to find what you are looking for either it’s adventure, or sightseeing, cultural wandering, nightlife and sex.

USA Road Trip Cost

Ready for adventure? I Drive Safely and GasBuddy bring this tempting report breaking down the cost of a trip around USA’s top 10 vacation cities.

American Gambling History

Pre colonial Native American Indians were avid gamblers betting their properties on games like Hubbub. Since the beginning of American gambling with the advent of English colonists to “The New World” in 1600s, things have changed a lot. illustrates the whole story on a vintage like wonderful infographic.