Gender Equality at W...

After years of riots, protests, strikes and fights against phallocratic stereotypes and establishments, have women finally managed to combat inequality at work? Canter law firm presents the today reality illustrated.

When the women of Dagenham’s Ford Factory downed tools in 1968, they had just one goal driving them on – to be paid the same as their male counterparts.

45 years on and thanks to the introduction of the Equal Pay Act (1970), the Dagenham women can proudly claim to have made a difference to working conditions.

But can women really expect a fair deal or are they

We’ve decided to take a graphical look at some interesting Employment statistics in our new Employment Law infographic. As a law firm founded back in 1947, we have seen just how much the issue of gender equality at work has transformed the workplace.

In this infographic, we’ve taken a look at how far things have come, and also areas in which there are still big differences between the genders. Of course, if you feel your gender has affected the way you have been treated by your colleagues or your employer, then our Employment law department could provide you with expert legal advice on issues ranging from discrimination, through harrassment, leaving employment and also contractual issues you might have with your employer.

American Workaholics

Most Americans spend more time on the job than they do on anything else according to the data presented here. It is estimated that American workaholics are occupied about one month more per year now than they did 40 years ago. Does that ring true with you?

Skilled Worker Demand

Even more industries are jacking their hiring standards and require skilled workers with postsecondary education in the US. But the gap of unskilled labor force is now more evident than ever and projections are that it’s going to keep growing leaving a notable percentage of job demand uncovered.

STEM Education USA

STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and these 4 knowledge fields are the high hanging fruits for the education system in USA. According to this report native American labor falls far behind foreign job seekers in STEM skills. See what the improvement scheme involves.

Pregnancy Gender Selection

Did you know that fresh veggies, fruits and alkaline rich foods can increase inclination to boy conception? Find more old wife tales along with a Chinese calendar that helps you in finding out the month to conceive a boy or a girl. Or simply leave it to the stork!

American Employee Loyalty

How long can you stand drinking from the same wellspring? This study examines the changes in American employee tenure length by gender, ethnicity and industry over the last decade as reported by the US Bureau of Labor.

Apps for Moms

Technology makes provisions for everyone in our digital world. Moms expecting have their own smartphone apps to choose from and use the tools and knowlege provided both for the prenatal and post-labor phase.