Citizens Rights vs Police

Are you sure you know your rights in case of an encounter with the police? This nifty infographic serves as a good guide for citizens who want to know how to defend theirselves against unreasonable searches and tricky or intimidating questions.

Gender Equality at W...

After years of riots, protests, strikes and fights against phallocratic stereotypes and establishments, have women finally managed to combat inequality at work? Canter law firm presents the today reality illustrated.

When the women of Dagenham’s Ford Factory downed tools in 1968, they had just one goal driving them on – to be paid the same as their male counterparts.

45 years on and thanks to the introduction of the Equal Pay Act (1970), the Dagenham women can proudly claim to have made a difference to working conditions.

But can women really expect a fair deal or are they

We’ve decided to take a graphical look at some interesting Employment statistics in our new Employment Law infographic. As a law firm founded back in 1947, we have seen just how much the issue of gender equality at work has transformed the workplace.

In this infographic, we’ve taken a look at how far things have come, and also areas in which there are still big differences between the genders. Of course, if you feel your gender has affected the way you have been treated by your colleagues or your employer, then our Employment law department could provide you with expert legal advice on issues ranging from discrimination, through harrassment, leaving employment and also contractual issues you might have with your employer.

Homeless in the US 2012

Exhaustive data about homelessness : states accounting for nearly half the homeless population, states having the highest rates of unsheltered homeless and more!

Stand Your Own Ground Law Overview

The infographic examines the “Stand your Own Ground” since its infancy and pinpoints that several states with brutal legacies have modified their self-defense laws in ways that many Americans wonder if these laws are as race-neutral as they claim to be.

Women’s Equality Day Facts

How much do you know about Women’s Equality Day and the 19th Amendment of Aug 26? Though a bit outdated as for the date we put this infographic on, it’s quite informative of the inequality between the sexes in the US and the history of women’s rights

Violence Against Women Statistics

Violence against women keeps blotting societies around the world without cultural, social or economic boundaries. United Nations report on the situation presenting shocking global statistics.

Lgbt Youth Homelessness Jul03

Lgbt Youth Homelessness

Homelesness is major social cause and responsibility. Furthemore, there’s a fast growing and disproportional LGBT homeless body compared to the general population rate. Solutions might be options that we cannot see…