Privacy and Facebook Graph Search

The new facebook search engine is out, ready to crawl and record whatever it finds in its pass and committed to offer a unique, more personalized search experience. Will you grant access to all of your data or are you determined to take control of your privacy?

Facebook Graph Search Benefits

As Facebook gradually rolls out its brand new search bomb backed from Bing, online marketeres are plausibly pondering about the impact of Graph Search on small businesses that are unable to compete on social ad spending with big brands. According to this presentation, social search is going to accent local businesses against big brands. Do you agree?

Facebook Graph Search Rumors

A turnover in online search landscape? Facebook graph search is emerging determined to claim its share from the search pie and extend network’s advertising revenues. How will digital marketers cope with it?

Google Search Vs Graph Search Jan24

Google Search Vs Graph Search

it’s out and ready to serve you. Facebook rolled out its “much” expected Graph Search service in an effort to stab Google search majesty. The battle begins and here you will find 4 conceptual differences as denoted by