US Foreign Aid 2012

Does the US government offer substantial financial aid and support to the “weak” or just throw crumbs to whitewash its image and manipulate nations ? See a breakdown of the US foreign aid as of 2012 and how it stacks up against the total U.S. budget.

Moms at Home Duties

A comic like collection of memes rather than a typical infographic that communicates directly common misconceptions going around about moms staying home. Can we realize the real chores and duties they accomplish on a daily basis?

US Student Loan Debt Crisis

Student loan debt in the US has gone 4X up since 2003 and banks seem to be determined to keep leeching students and likewise their families. Outstanding debt has evolved to a flap and lower to middle income households are in despair. See a breakdown of banking on education with historical data.

Money For College Jul03

Money For College

You don’t want to be up the pole after your graduation. RIght? But you need money to study and shine. Well this is your guide! Things aren’t always as you think so.