Driving and Texting Facts

Multitasking while driving can be prove quite detrimental. See some interesting facts regarding response time efficiency for the average driver who splits his focus between texting or reading SMS and the wheel.

Cell Phone Car Crashes May31

Cell Phone Car Crashes

It is estimated that only 50% of the fatal car crashes with evidence that cell phone distraction was the cause, are officially attributed to cell use. This situation considerably distorts the national fatal crash reports and misleads the public about the real extent of the problem.

Florida Car Accidents Report

Did you ever wonder how many accidents are happening every year in Florida and how many of them are fatalities, or the most common causes for traffic collisions? Find here a breakdown of car accidents in Miami and statistics about the deadliest counties in Florida.

Social Mobile Risks

It may sound kind of intimidating but reading this presentation you will find that there are risks from using social media apps on your handset, starting from network load and energy consumption to your wallet and emotional stability.

US Car Crash Statistics 2011

Statistially every 12 minutes one person loses his life due to fatal car crash in the US while 16 is the most risky age for a driver to be involved in car accident. Car Insurance Quotes reports on the life and economic cost of car accident occurrences presenting interesting statistcs about the causes and effects.

Driving Distraction by Gender

One more batlle between the sexes. He or She? How do the two genders behave as far distraction while driving?

Distracted Driving Effects

Distracted driving is a growing problem in the USA that costs thousands of lives annually. See how it increases the chance of being involved in an accident!