LHC CERN Big Bang Big Data

CERN hosts 4 of the biggest, most complex and momentous experiments in the world history. LHC (Large Hadron Collider) is one of the 4 and outputs a whopping total of 1 petabyte/sec data. Without the proficiency of united IT geniuses around the world this data would never enter the pipeline. Watch an impressive animation that represents how CERN’s big data are collected, processed, recorded and distributed.

Noisy Neighbor Cloud

It’s not about the loudmouth guy living next to you but rather for his digital equivalent hosted on data centers, “who” causes performance instability to other “tenants”. See why QoS (Quality of Service) is critical for an enterprise before choosing a cloud service provider.

Data Center Limitations Dec14

Data Center Limitations

For what reasons do things usually go wrong in a Data Center and how do the consequences to business operations stack up? Unified management with DCIM is cited as the most ideal solution by managers for improving datacenter efficiency.