8 Upcycling Ideas

Today is the Earth Day. Aside the responsibilities that burden the manufacturing sector, we as individuals can do a lot to help our planet survive from the human rush. Upcycling is a good example of adopting a greener lifestyle. Fast Haul presents 8 alternative ideas of reusing waste materials to create new products with value.

Scientific Achievements 2012 Apr03

Scientific Achievements 2012

Meet some of the most influential scientists and their feats of the past year in the areas of genetics, physics, medicine, and more!

Climate Change Awareness

97% of scientists believe that global warming is real and facts show that humans burden the blame exclusively. Have a look at the detrimental effects of global temperature rise on nature and likewise humanity.

Agroecology Benefits

This report outlines the benefits resulted from the adoption of alternative agricaltural methods, such as agroecology, as an effective measure against the excessive use of soil and water in massive industrialized agriculture.