Colored Diamonds Guide

Colored diamonds are becoming more and more popular, so why not choose your colored diamond and piece of colored diamond jewelry by the color that is suited to your character or personality?

Celebrities Expecting in 2013 Nov26

Celebrities Expecting in 2013

A sudden baby boom is happening in global celebrities. See a list of 47 actresses, singers and models who have announced their pregnancies and are expecting newborns during 2013.

Reproductive Health Care Retrench

284 000 Texas women are projected to lose reproductive health care in 2013 due to family planning budget revision. See the rest 25 states that enacted 69 anti-choice measures in 2011.

Handbags History

Whether it is called a purse or a pouch or a baguette, a handbag is lovingly adorned by almost all the women in the world to not only hold their personal items, but also to make a statement of style. Explore the History of the Handbags and how it transformed the life and style of the modern women.

Women in Technology

Technology needs more women! And it’s getting good. According to this report by sweet girls are striding in the tech landscape punching the traditionaly male-dominated industry.

High Heels Hurt Jul03

High Heels Hurt

Heels are considered the symbol of femaleness but this report reminds us the hard part of being woman. Ladies don’t give up – follow the suggested tips and you will make it!

Moms: Technology Power Users Jul02

Moms: Technology Power Users

Moms Do the hard job! Impressive – this report shows that moms are more techy than non-moms. Look into their digital habits.

Moms work at home Jun30

Moms work at home

Modern moms enjoy flexibilty and prefer to work from home. Find the benefits and the prerequisites if you are seriously leaning to this option.

Women Blogs & Social Media

Jumpthru tries to anatomize the relation of women with blogs and social media. Blogging platforms and pinterest win the premiership of females’ trust with the former taking over as far purchasing decisions.

Pregnancy And Depression Jun21

Pregnancy And Depression

About 1 in 3 women report depression symptoms in post natal period. Pampering might help a mother to recover according to this poll.

Girls and Guns Jun07

Girls and Guns

When girls go wild. Watch out for the hit-wo-man! Increasing gun ownership by women.

Best US cities for women 2012 Jun06

Best US cities for w...

Are you a city girl? Then find the best place to be and hit the sky.

More Sex After Breast Augmentation For Women May31

More Sex After Breast Augmentation For Women

According to this survey various types of plastic surgery affect womens sexual satisfaction. Does this conclude to “the more the merrier”?

What It’s Like To Be A Working Mom May30

What It’s Like To Be A Working Mom

Mom Mom Mom I love you! Do you struggle between career and family? Do you feel overwhelmed? Relax and see what other moms declare.